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Duino-Coin Duino-Coin Faucet

Faucet Statistics

Balance: 1471146.351 DUCO
Staked: 400759.293 DUCO
Total Sent: 275648.5 DUCO
Total Payouts: 127595
Payout Amount: 1 DUCO

You may claim DUCO once every 12 hours.



Duinocoin Links


How do I use the faucet?

To use the faucet, you simply enter your Duino-Coin username (it is case-sensitive), agree with the Terms and Conditions, then click "Send DUCO".

How does the faucet work?

The faucet automatically sends you 1 DUCO after you click the submit button. You can claim from the faucet once every 12 hours.

Why don't I see the coins in my wallet or on the explorer?

Sometimes the network can be slow with propagating transactions and the explorer could be running a bit behind. Give it a few minutes and you should be able to see the DUCO in your wallet (assuming you entered the correct username) and on the explorer. If this is not the case, please feel free to contact me here.

The captcha isn't working. What should I do?

This site is protected with an invisible captcha, but you may see one occasionally. If you see a captcha and experience an issue, it can happen for many reasons. Usually, the captcha could fail if you're using a VPN or ad blocker, unsupported or out-of-date browser.

What's the catch?

There is no catch! I created this and my other faucets to give back to the crypto community by providing opportunities for users to explore other coins.

Faucet Stats Chart

Last 25 Transactions

Username Amount Date TX hash
hawaiinld 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 08:33:38 AM 10f15af0
dickydell 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:55:22 AM 606d0c24
mzakiab2066 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:52:02 AM 3ec8f545
ErikDeHaan 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:51:13 AM da3e21af
nanianmichaels 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:45:04 AM 9eb54f5e
gamer8403 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:43:45 AM acf32558
arash8910_ 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:40:45 AM 55706826
gryphon 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:21:05 AM 635da9bf
nikoniko90 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 07:08:01 AM 92b6e969
emagod22551 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 06:41:34 AM 2c14f07d
agmchatgpt 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 06:33:09 AM c17ea6e7
tomandovinos 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 06:01:18 AM 260f0366
Circle 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:33:23 AM b4a47766
vip1962 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:33:23 AM ac45e47e
jayjay0408 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:31:02 AM 12e6d194
vip1959 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:28:16 AM d7041b1f
bitcoinrafa1970 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:21:29 AM 951eaadb
Anu2206 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:15:51 AM f191df8e
IceQueen 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 05:12:49 AM bd8a4b7d
Fantastikman 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 04:45:43 AM 0be3d675
giftbalogun 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 04:41:44 AM 5b01dc85
ichsan 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 04:19:44 AM f185782c
fordprefect 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 04:18:19 AM 3d8d5a42
waldwuffel 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 03:49:04 AM 9fc58faf
bingo_bongo 1 DUCO 10/11/2024, 03:39:29 AM ba8b7e22